Children’s Ministries
Our children’s ministry exists to assist parents in leading their children to follow Jesus.
We take seriously the responsibility to provide a safe and loving environment in which children can learn the Bible and take steps forward in their relationship with Jesus. Each lesson and activity strives to help children know Jesus, understand His Word, take the next step in their relationship with Christ, and equip them to share Jesus’ love with others.
In every children's class, God's Word is read and applied to the tender hearts of children. Our children's ministry is called HOPEKidz based on Psalm 78:7- "That they mighty set their hope in God..." On Sunday mornings, children attend Growth Groups classes based on age or grade. During the preaching time of the morning service, we have a Li'l HOPEKidz class and HOPEKidz church for elementary age children. On Sunday nights, our children meet for HOPEKidz choir practice and Bible teaching. On Wednesday nights, we have age-specified groups called Cubbies, Sparks, and Truth Trackers. Each child participates in Scripture memory, game time, and a Bible lesson.

We have a full furnished nursery for babies and small toddlers. This ministry is available for each service and is staffed with dedicated ladies to allow parents to attend the services.